This week ProgrammableWeb's Best New Mashups post looks at weather mashups, two of which use the Google Maps API.
WeatherObs is a Google Map of global METAR weather observation. METAR is a format for reporting weather information that is predominantly used by pilots in compiling pre-flight weather briefings.The app also lets users view TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast) reports for a number of airports.
Using the map it is possible to view a range of weather information around the world, including temperature, wind speed and direction, visibility and lowest cloud layers.

The Interactive Marine Map uses the Google Maps API as an interface to view marine weather data from dozens of US and international sites.
The map allows the user to view NOAA/NWS forecasts & charts, radar, satellite images, tides, Wunderground, WindFinder, GRIB file generator & weather charts from WeatherOnline, GMDSS, Australia, Fiji, Germany, Singapore, Tahiti & the UK Met office.
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